GOB offers not only security guards, but also certified professional traffic controllers, who meet all legal requirements. These qualified employees can be deployed for construction and road works, events, and emergency situations. Our traffic controllers are in possession of a national appointment pass, VCA certificate, BHV and AED training, and if necessary BRL9101 certification.
Our employees are available for both ad-hoc assignments and long-term contracts and projects. They wear a uniform and have their own personal protective equipment (PPE) with them.
Training courses
In collaboration with our training partner, we provide specific training for our employees as traffic controllers every year. In addition, we regularly offer additional training and courses. In this way, we can guarantee that all our employees meet the high standards and have the required knowledge and skills.
Many municipalities use event traffic controllers during events. These controllers take an online test via the municipality. After passing the test, they receive a pass with which they are authorized to control traffic under police supervision. If there is a shortage of traffic controllers, you can hire nationally authorized traffic controllers from us, who can work independently.
If you require support in drawing up a traffic plan for events or work, our traffic coordinator is available to assist you.