Article 1 Definitions and scope
This regulation defines:
1. The organization: GOB Safety & Security Support BV
2. the complainant: the person whose interests are directly affected by the conduct of the organisation;
3. an act: the action or omission of the organization or its employees;
4. the defendant: the organisation against whose conduct a complaint has been filed by a complainant;
5. a complaint: a written complaint against an act of the defendant.
Article 2 Scope of application
These regulations apply to the handling of complaints about the conduct of GOB Safety & Security Support BV as referred to in Article 1, first paragraph, and its employees.
Article 3 Method of submission
1. A complainant or his representative may file a complaint with the director of the organization that committed the conduct.
2. A complaint must be signed and contain at least the following information:
* the name and address of the complainant;
* the date;
* a description of the conduct against which the objection is made;
* the grounds on which the complainant objects.
3. If the complaint does not meet the requirements mentioned in the second paragraph of this article, the director of the organization shall inform the complainant of this and invite the complainant to rectify the omission within two weeks.
4. If the complainant does not remedy the omission as referred to in the third paragraph of this article, the complaint will not be processed.
Article 4 Submission deadline
The period for filing a complaint is six weeks, starting from the date on which the conduct complained about took place.
Article 5 Free treatment
There are no costs associated with handling a complaint.
Article 6 Acknowledgement of receipt
The director will send an acknowledgement of receipt within two weeks of receiving the complaint.
Article 7 Ministry of Justice
Within two weeks of receiving the complaint, the director shall send a copy of the complaint to the Directorate of Administrative Affairs of the Ministry of Justice.
Article 8 Oral hearing procedure
1. The director of the organization investigates the complaint and invites the complainant for a personal interview.
2. The director shall hear the complainant and may also obtain information from third parties.
Article 9 Written procedure
1. If the complainant does not wish to be heard, the complaint will be dealt with in writing.
2. If the complaint does not meet the requirements set out in Article 3, it will not be processed.
Article 10 Decision
The director will decide on the complaint within six weeks of receipt of the complaint.
Article 11 Written notice
The decision on the complaint will be communicated to the complainant in writing.
Article 12 Communication on the appeal procedure
Within six weeks of receipt of the decision of the director of the private security company, a complaint about the company in question can be submitted to the secretariat of the Association of Recognized Security Companies.
Complaints can only be submitted in writing in accordance with the above guidelines and sent to:
GOB Safety & Security Support BV
To the Management
Oudlandsedijk 6A
4731 TB, Oudenbosch